Objective of Evaluation:

The examination and evaluation system has been designed keeping in view the best available options of assessment and evaluation, which are globally acceptable. The basic principle of the system is that it is “scientific, objective and transparent” with the least possibility of subjectivity during evaluation.

The assessment is done to measure the knowledge, skills, and application ability identified as intended learning outcomes. The concerned Instructor assesses the understanding of concepts, theories and applications illustrated and discussed in the respective courses/subjects.

The assessment is done to help students achieve the learning outcome of the programme and to motivate them throughout the programme. In addition, the assessment is done to have scaling of the students according to their academic performance.

Evaluation Criteria:
Internal Evaluation External Evaluation
Continuous Evaluation (CEC) Mid Term Evaluation End Term Evaluation
Core Courses 30% 20% 50%
  • Passing percentage in continuous, mid & end term evaluation is 40% each. The components of internal evaluation will be communicated by the institution at the beginning of the semester.
  • External evaluation will consist of university Examination to be conducted by GLS University.

In certain subjects like Summer Internship Project & Comprehensive Project, the evaluation pattern will consist of a component of internal evaluation as well external examination conducted by institute.

Carry forward of marks in cases where a student fails in one or more Courses/subjects:

a) A student who passes in the Internal Assessment but fails in the Semester-end Examination should reappear for the Semester-end Examination of that course in the subsequent year/semester. However, his/her marks of the Internal Assessment will be carried forward and he/she will be entitled to the grade obtained by him/her on passing. For this purpose, he/she will have to fill up the examination form and pay the prescribed fee.

b) A student who passes in the Semester-end Examination but fails in the Internal Assessment should reappear for the Internal Assessment. However, his/her marks of the Semester-end Examination will be carried forward and he/she shall be entitled to the grade obtained by him/her on passing. For this purpose he/she will have to fill up the examination form and pay the prescribed fee.

Carry forward system/allowed to keep term (ATKT)/permissible backlog and eligibility for admission to higher semester:

1) If a student fails in one subject/course, either in internal evaluation (Continuous components and/or internal exam) or in external evaluation, he/she will be considered as failed in that subject/course, which will be considered as backlog in one subject/course.

2) Though examinations will be held in every semester, promotions will be on a year-to-year basis.

3) Students will carry forward his/her backlogs of the first semester in the second semester but he/she will not be allowed to continue in case of more than five backlogs of the first semester in the third semester.

4) In the same way, student will carry forward his/her backlogs of the first, second and third semesters in the fourth semester but he/she will not be allowed to continue in case of more than five backlogs (total) of the first, second and third semesters in the fifth semester.

5) There will be only one university exam in a semester and only one remedial test in the next semester. In case of failure to clear the remedial, the student will have to appear in the regular semester test/exam in the subsequent year.

6) The Semester-end Examination of all semester will be held in every semester in order to enable the students who have backlog to appear for the examination and clear the same.

Grade Conversion:

After adding the internal marks (maximum 50) with the marks secured by the student in the university examination (maximum 50), the marks will be converted to a letter grade as per the following formula:

Percentage / Marks (Normalized) Grade Points Grade Description
85 - 100 8.5 - 10.0/td> O+ Outstanding
70 - 84.99 7.0 - 8.49 O Excellent
60 - 69.99 6.0 - 6.99 A Very good
55 - 59.99 5.5 - 5.99 B+ Good
48 - 54.99 4.8 - 5.49 B Fair
40 - 47.99 4.0 - 4.7 C Average
Below 40 0.0 F Dropped or Fail

Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA): It is a measure of performance of work done in a semester. It is a ratio of total credit points secured by a student in various courses registered in a semester and the total course credits taken during that semester. It is expressed up to two decimal places.

The performance of a student during a semester is indicated in the grade sheet by “Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA), which is calculated as follows:

If C (i) is the credit of course i and the grade point secured by the student is
G (i) In that course, the SPI is given by the formula
SGPA = Σⁿ CiGi / Σⁿ Ci,
Where the sum is over all the 'n' courses taken during a semester.
Equivalent Percentage Based on SGPA: Equivalent Percentage = SGPA * 10

Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA): It is a measure of overall cumulative performance of a student over all semesters. The CGPA is the ratio of total credit points secured by a student in various courses in all semesters and the sum of the total credits of all courses in all the semesters. It is expressed up to two decimal places.

In the same way, the cumulative performance of the student will be indicated by a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) which is calculated essentially by the same formula but for the sum being the overall courses taken in the current semester as well as in the preceding semesters. However, in calculating the CGPA, any fail grade which the student might have earned but has subsequently passed will be replaced by the passing grade in that subject.

Formula for conversion of equivalent percentage of CGPA:

An equation to find equivalence between SGPA may be obtained as follows:

Percentage Marks = CGPA * 10

CGPA Equivalent Class will be as follows:

CGPA From-to Letter Grade Classification of Final Result
8.5 - 10 O+ First 7.0-84.99 O class with Distinction
7.0 - 8.49 O Excellent
6.0 - 6.99 A First Class
5.5 - 5.99 B+ Higher Second Class
4.8 - 5.49 B Second Class
4.0 - 4.79 C Pass Class
Below 4.0 D Dropped or Fail

Declaration of Final Year/Semester Result:

For a student who appears both at the final year/semester-end examination as well as at the backlog courses of the previous semesters, his/her final year/semester-end examination result will be withheld till he/she clears the backlogs of the previous semesters (if any).

Award of degree:

The degree will be awarded to the students on the basis of CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) of all semesters' performance in the exams.